You can heal from trauma with EMDR Therapy.
EMDR Therapy is different from traditional talk therapy, though it integrates well into talk therapy treatment. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy doesn’t require you to describe your traumatic experiences in detail, and instead, uses your brain’s adaptive processing abilities to shift distressing memories and put the past in the past.
EMDR Therapy helps with the disturbing body sensations, memories, and feelings related to traumatic or disturbing experiences.
EMDR engages your brain and body in focused sets of bi-lateral movements to lessen the influence of difficult memories and sensations.
EMDR Therapy commonly uses eye movements, but can also work using bi-lateral tapping or audio cues, and can be adapted well for neurodivergent clients. EMDR therapy is an internationally recognized evidence-based treatment for PTSD and trauma, and yes, EMDR therapy works just as well via teletherapy!
Want to learn more about EMDR therapy research? Visit the EMDR International Association.
If you hate CBT Therapy, and already spend too much time in your thoughts or checked out from your body, you may benefit from a somatic therapy like EMDR.
I offer EMDR Therapy in Orange County and online for smart, caring people of all genders who are survivors of traumas like:
Religious trauma, spiritual abuse, and high control group experiences
Sexual abuse, grooming, sexual assault, or rape
Rape culture and not being believed about your experiences
Medical traumas or medical emergencies
Car accidents
Climate disasters and ecological trauma
Generational or family traumas
Discrimination or rejection based on LGBTQIA+ identity
Friend break ups or sudden loss of relationships
Toxic workplaces or harmful bosses
Family or community violence
Disturbing experiences in relationships